平成20年度(第1回) 高認過去問の会話文の空欄選択問題解説
(In a shop)お店にて
A:What do you think about this dress, Mary?
B:It really suits you.
A:[ 4 ] Doesn’t it look a bit tight around the waist?
B:No, it doesn’t. But if you feel so, you should try on a bigger one.
①How about the size? ②How about the price?
(サイズはどう思う?) (値段はどう思う?)
③How about the color? ④How about you?
(色はどう思う?) (あなたはどうですか?)
よって答えは①How about the size?
2(On the phone)電話にて
A:I’ve just got two tickets for the jazz concert at Lily Hall. Do you want to come?
B:Sounds good. I’d love to. What time does it start?
B:Great![ 5 ]
①Please ask another friend. ②Please go on your own.
(他の友人に聞いてみて。) (一人で行って。)
③I can sell it. ④I can make it.
(それを売ります。) (そうすることができます。)
GreatでAの誘いを受ける姿勢を見せてるので、それにあった選択肢は④I can make it.
3(At a friend’s house)友達の家にて
A:You are a good cook.
B:Oh, thanks. How about some more?
A:No, thanks. [ 6 ]
B:Then, take some home with you, if you like.
①We need to practice cooking. ②I’m a good cook, too.
(料理を練習しないとね。) (僕も料理が得意だよ。)
③I’m full. ④We’re coming back again.
(おなかいっぱいだよ。) (私たちは帰宅してるところです。)
よって答えは③I’m full.。
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